Monday Highlights: Jason Won the POV, What's Monte's Next Plan?

Monday on the Big Brother Over The Top Live Feeds we got to watch the first Veto competition of the season play out, and after Jason won, we learned what Monte’s renomination plan is and what the other HGs are thinking for the eviction vote. Read on to find out what the plan so far is.

If you’ve got the Live Feeds (Free Trial) then you can watch all of these moments with the Flashback feature to go back and watch those important conversations or funny scenes you may have missed.

Big Brother OTT Live Feed Highlights – Monday, October 3, 2016:

9:00 AM BBT – HGs get an early wake up call and are confused. Backyard is locked down.

9:25 AM BBT – Scott, Shane, and Monte talk about targets. Scott thinks Shelby is a snake. They don’t want to target Justin. Shane is against using Danielle as a pawn again. Monte swears nothing happened with Morgan last night sharing the bed and they both stayed to their sides.

9:50 AM BBT – HGs are released from an HoH lockdown. The two chairs were replaced with the couch during their time upstairs.

10:00 AM BBT – HGs gather in the living room to pick players for the Veto comp and reveal the third nom. Cornbread was voted 3rd nom. Alex & Whitney were drawn to join the comp.

10:20 AM BBT – Jason mocks the HGs’ reaction to CB being nom’d and how everyone was so shocked.

10:50 AM BBT – Justin tells Jason to please win the Veto so they can keep hanging out.

11:05 AM BBT – Jason tells Monte that America might not dislike CB but rather was trying to give Jason a fighting chance at the Veto comp. Jason still says he’ll be happy to work with Monte if he wins the Veto and gets to stay this week.

11:35 AM BBT – Shelby, Alex, and Morgan talking about helping CB get the Veto or Monte so he can save CB and there will be no renom.

12:40 PM BBT – Jason and Shelby scheme and say no one is suspecting them working together. She’s worried she’ll be the renom but Jason says it’ll probably be Kryssie if there is one.

12:50 PM BBT – Feeds cut for Veto prep.

1:00 PM BBT – Feeds are back and Veto players are in the yard. Shane reads the instructions. HGs must go inside and look for clues to figure out the code to the vault which holds the Veto.

1:05 PM BBT – Comp is going and HGs are running around looking for things to count. Full recap and pics here.

1:30 PM BBT – Jason wins the Veto!

1:45 PM BBT – Danielle is stressing but Scott and Shane tell her not to worry.

1:55 PM BBT – Justin joins the talk and says it’s unfair that the other four were obviously teamed up against her and Jason who had to play alone.

2:05 PM BBT – Shane and Monte agree that Kryssie is the ideal renom. Few minutes later Monte lets CB know they’ll use Kryssie to help CB’s chances.

2:30 PM BBT – Danielle is talking with Monte. He’s promising her she’ll be okay this week. She’s pushing for Shelby to go up but Monte thinks it’s better to keep her as a target for Jason and then they’ll put up Kryssie instead.

3:15 PM BBT – Monte warns Shane and Shelby that America will never put up Jason so that’ll be up to them to take care of nominating him.

4:00 PM BBT – Alex camtalks that she doesn’t buy Monte’s BS and while she didn’t want to work with her sister she’s the only one she can really trust.

5:10 PM BBT – Shelby and Scott have been talking game a bit. They think the Jamboree alliance is dead. Shelby tells Scott that Neely has her eyes on everyone.

5:20 PM BBT – Monte says himself/Morgan and Shane/Danielle can run the house.

5:34 PM BBT – Monte tells Cornbread not to worry because Kryssie will go up and go home. He says CB will get a few votes against him but he won’t go.

6:10 PM BBT – Whitney, Shelby, Alex and Morgan are getting a little paranoid with everyone. They discuss dispersing themselves tonight so that they can break up any game talk.

7:26 PM BBT – Morgan and Alex are clashing on Monte. Alex says he has a big ego and won’t look her in the eyes. She doesn’t trust him. Morgan says he’s not that way with her. Alex thinks the guys are using the girls but Morgan disagrees on that also.

7:34 PM BBT – Scott tells Shane and Alex that next week targets should be Jason and Shelby.

Jason has the Veto now for the first week of BBOTT and he knows to try and get some leverage out of it by making deals with Monte. Meanwhile the rest of the house prepares for Kryssie to go up but both sides seem more interested in their other two eviction choices.

7:40 PM BBT – Jason tells Monte he’s not coming after him despite him nominating him. Jason tells Monte the guys are outnumbered by the girls and that could get messy for the guys.

7:48 PM BBT – Cornbread talking about being nominated with some of the others. He’s trying to figure out why. He says he just needs to sleep it off.

8:19 PM BBT – Justin is getting emotional. The game is getting to him and he says he doesn’t like being around fake people. He says he likes being there but it’s just hard.

9:01 PM BBT – HGs talking about slop and how Monte will be on it. He says it will be horrible (he’s probably going to find out pretty soon).

9:29 PM BBT – Shane and Danielle talking about Alex, Whitney and Morgan. Shane said they make him uneasy and that if he wins HOH he plans to nominate two of them. Shelby comes up also. Danielle tells Shane that people are worried about Monte making it so obvious how much he trusts Morgan and Whitney.

9:36 PM BBT – Shane and Danielle continue to talk. Danielle tells Shane it would be better to work with Jason and she also reminds Shane of what Jason said about Cornbread coming in for Monte’s right-hand man spot. Shane says maybe they can take Cornbread out this week and go for Kryssie later.

10:00 PM BBT – Justin goes to talk to Monte about his plans to name a replacement nominee. Justin tells Monte he’s a little homesick but he’s just soaking it all in.

10:03 PM BBT – Justin cuts out of the HOH room and Cornbread goes up. Cornbread also mentions being homesick. He asks Monte if he’s still thinking of putting Kryssie up. Monte says yeah, for sure. CB is starting to sweat because he thinks BB could throw them another curveball. CB can’t stand Shelby so he keeps trying to suggest putting her up but Monte says it’s going to be Kryssie.

10:06 PM BBT – Monte goes over the votes with Cornbread. He figures it would be 5-4 in CB’s favor. They aren’t aware America has a vote yet.

10:10 PM BBT – Monte says the only problem he has with Jason is that he doesn’t like Whitney. He can’t understand why Jason wouldn’t relate to a “nice Southern girl” who is going to get married and start a family soon.

10:15 PM BBT – Jason and Danielle working on Shane to vote Cornbread out. Shane explains that he might be from the south but he’s not like the other southerners in the house. He says he’s live in LA and doesn’t relate to the others as much as some might think. Later it sounds like Shane may be willing to go along with the VTE CB plan.

11:25 PM BBT – Scott and Justin catch up to talk game. Scott tells Justin he should be okay this week. They worry about Jason but Justin says he’ll stick it out with him. Justin was sad to see how Shelby seemed to be fake this afternoon following the Veto comp.

12:10 AM BBT – Morgan and Monte hanging out upstairs and drinking his wine. Morgan says they can use Shelby for a vote. Monte doesn’t think CB can make it very far in the game, a concern he expressed several times earlier today in other talks. Monte says he considering targeting Justin after Jason was safe, but he’s decided against it. He reaffirms plans to go after Kryssie and is confident she’ll be evicted this week.

12:20 AM BBT – Monte promises Morgan he’s not just strength, but also smart.

12:25 AM BBT – Morgan says if she gets HoH she’ll target Justin and maybe use Danielle as well.

12:50 AM BBT – Alex, Whitney, and Shelby going over votes to see if they can get Danielle evicted this week. They worry Shane could turn on them if they try to get Danielle evicted.

1:00 AM BBT – Alex again repeats a concern that she doesn’t want the women to end up just getting used by the men in the game.

1:30 AM BBT – Shane and Monte talking about who Jason might target. Monte worries it’d be the two of them but Shane thinks Jason would go after Shelby and Whitney instead.

2:05 AM BBT – Scott reports back to Alex and Shane about CB being so upset about his nomination and how he can’t stop focusing on Shelby. They say to let him just keep digging himself a hole.

3:15 AM BBT – Kryssie and Jason are still up and discussing what happened with America’s Nominee. She hopes Monte will put up Shelby since most HGs don’t seem to like her as she sees it. Jason questions Monte’s strategy based on what they’ve seen so far.

4:00 AM BBT – Jason and Kryssie finally head to bed but CB is snoring with his volume up to 11.

The Veto win for Jason should give us some nice entertainment over the next few days as the old plan had to be shuttered and a new one drafted. Now the house is on edge to see which way Monte will go though most know what’s about to happen at Tuesday’s Veto Ceremony. Busy day ahead before Wednesday’s eviction event.

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